
Living With Psoriasis

Identifying Psoriasis

The signs of psoriasis vary depending on the type you have. Some common signs for plaque psoriasis – the most common variety of the condition – include:

  • Plaques of red, inflamed skin, often covered with loose, silver-coloured scales.
  • Disorders of the fingernails and toenails, including discolouration and pitting of the nails. The nails may also begin to crumble or detach from the nail bed.
  • Plaques or crust on the scalp.
  • Small areas of bleeding where the involved skin is scratched.
  • Itching
  • Pitted, cracked, sore skin

Psoriasis can also be associated with psoriatic arthritis, which causes pain and swelling in the joints. The Psoriasis Association estimates that between 5% and 7% of people with psoriasis have psoriatic arthritis, but this figure rises to about 40% in people who have severe psoriasis.

The Science behind Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic inflammatory skin disease resulting in thick, silvery flakes of scale on raised pinkish red skin with well-defined margins. Itching is often experienced in our hot humid climate. Physical and emotional stress can worsen psoriasis, as can throat infections or the flu. Some drugs (e.g. certain high blood pressure medications, steroid hormones) may provoke the appearance of psoriasis. Scratches, cuts and sunburns may cause psoriasis to flare up at the sites of injury. A diet rich in Vitamin A & D vegetable, grains and fish oils can help.

There is no cure for psoriasis but it can be controlled. However, response to a particular treatment varies from individual to individual, and it may take some time and some trial- and-error before a treatment that suits each individual is found.

Once controlled, there will usually be periods of clearance (remission) alternating with periods of active skin disease. Unlike other chronic illnesses, it rarely shortens life expectancy. However, it can dramatically affect the quality of life. Physical discomfort is only one aspect of this – itch, or pain if the skin cracks, or if joints are affected

Premae’s Solution

Psoriasis is a skin disease which causes inflammation, resulting in redness and cracked or chapped skin. Every range at Premae Skincare contains atleast 1 natural plant based anti-inflammatory, which controls and soothes the itching and redness of Psoriasis. The range with the highest anti-inflammatory content are: Pharma100.

PHARMA100 Range contains Ylang ylang, an Italian Plant oil which acts as a relaxer. It calms stressed weeping skin and encourages the inflammation to become sedated – almost like the action of a deep tissue massage as you press the products into the skin. This range caters to mild – medium Psoriasis and Eczema symptoms.

Apply your desired 3 step trinity regime both day and night over 28 days to see optimum results. Continue use for atleast 3 – 6months to control and manage the symptoms longterm.

Look better, feel beautiful

Clare Anyiam-Osigwe, B.E.M DS.c

Owner & Creator of Premae Skincare, Multi-award winning, Forbes featured Allergy practitioner

Image rights : Medical news today


Living with Acne

Identifying Acne

Most people associate Acne as the most challenging of all skin ailments. All types of acne — blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cysts — develop when pores in our skin become clogged (comodegenic). The culprit is sebum [see-bum], an oil in our skin.


  • A blackhead appears when sebum and dead skin cells clog the pore.
  • A whitehead forms when the excess oil and dead skin cells clog the pore and block the opening of the pore
  • Appears in the sebaceous glands – Neck, forehead, upper back, and face

The Science behind Acne

When inflammation reaches deep into the skin, an acne cyst forms. This is the most severe type of acne. Cysts can be very painful. People often see permanent scarring after this type of acne heals.

It is a known fact that 75% or 3 out of 4 teenagers, will experience Acne throughout their teens.

Put simply, Acne is the scientific term used to describe the dead skin cells which do not shed from the skin and clog the pores, hence the dead skin (often black or brown in dark skin/ red in fair skin) causes acne blemishes (also appearing as black heads).

Premae’s Solution

Acne is a skin disorder which causes inflammation, resulting in redness, bumps, keloids and scar blemishes. Every range at Premae Skincare contains a TONIQUE which naturally unclogs the pores and tightens them, which controls the build up of Acne (dead skin cells). The two ranges with the highest anti-bacterial content are: Harmony Range and PYT Range for teenagers.

Harmony Spotless Range contains Lavender Oil, an excellent Asian vegetable which looks for excess oil in the skin and begins to nuetralise the dead skin.This range caters to classic combination and acne prone skin.

  • Apply your desired 3 step trinity regime both day and night over 28 days to see optimum results. Continue use for atleast 3 – 6months to control and manage the symptoms longterm. Our Plush Therapy Mild Dermabrasion Scrub is the secret tool to exfoliation. This ensures the dead skin cells are polished away.Look better, feel beautiful

Clare Eluka

Owner & Creator, Premae Skincare

Changing the world, one face at a time

Image rights: Youtuber – Shanese Danae


Living With Dermatitis

Identifying Dermatitis

The signs of dermatitis vary depending on the type you have. Eczema is atopic; therefore it is common in those who have a family history of genetics prone to allergic reactions. Dermatitis is caused by allergens recognised from outside of the body, which can include; acids, alkalies, detergents and solvents which cause irritation.

Common allergens of dermatitis are:

–       perfumes in soaps, toiletries and cosmetics

–       base metal used for costume jewellery, studs on jeans and zips such as nickel and cobalt

–       rubber

–       formaldehyde, found in detergents, fabric conditioner, cosmetics and newsprint

–       hairdressing products; bleaches and perm products

Plants that can cause dermatitis are strawberries, tomatoes, ivy and tulips. Some plants make people break out in rashes that are also not caused by allergies, but by oils or other chemicals in the plants. The technical term for all skin rashes caused by plants is phytodermatitis. (

This does not extend to the skins reactions to a plant such as a stingy nettle, which causes a tingling painful non-allergenic reaction. A clearer indication of a plant allergic reaction is when the skin continually reacts after contact for several weeks.

More examples of plant-based allergens are garlic, onions and hyacinths

The sore red rashes usually take around 24 – 72 hrs to appear after initial contact.

The Science behind Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is caused by an allergen or an irritating substance. Irritant contact dermatitis accounts for 80% of all cases of contact dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is very common worldwide and increasing in prevalence. It affects males and females equally and accounts for 10%–20% of all referrals to dermatologists. Individuals who live in urban areas with low humidity are more prone to develop this type of dermatitis.

Dermatitis herpetiformis appears as a result of a gastrointestinal condition, known as celiac disease. Clearly, the gluten content is an indicator of being an allergen, present in food and most commercial skincare.

Seborrheic dermatitis is more common in infants and in individuals between 30 and 70 years old. It appears to affect primarily men and it occurs in 85% of people suffering from AIDS.

Stasis dermatitis is an inflammation on the lower legs which is caused by buildups of blood and fluid and it is more likely to occur in people with varicose.

Perioral dermatitis is somewhat similar to rosacea; it appears more often in women between 20 and 60 years old.

Premae’s Solution

Dermatitis is a skin disorder which causes inflammation, resulting in redness and cracked or chapped skin. Every range at Premae Skincare contains atleast 1 natural plant based anti-inflammatory, which does not contain any of the glutens, plant, acid or akali ingredients which trigger Dermatitis. The range with the highest anti-inflammatory content is Pharma100.

Pharma100 Range contains White Tea Oil which acts as a relaxer. It calms stressed weeping skin and encourages the inflammation to become sedated – almost like the action of a deep tissue massage as you press the products into the skin.

Apply your desired 3 step trinity regime both day and night over 28 days to see optimum results. Continue use for atleast 3 – 6months to control and manage the symptoms longterm.

Look better, feel beautiful

Clare Anyiam-Osigwe DS.c

Owner & Creator of Premae Skincare, Award nominated educator of the year, Allergy Expert

Image rights: Dr Daniel Wallac