I cried a few times watching @princessoftherowmovie because it hit me, how much I went through with my mum growing up with mental health issues and going in and out of the care system from age 9-18. It also demonstrated how black children / teenagers are often adultified – seen as adults from a young age: taking on roles way beyond their years, skill set and capability especially if their parents are not capable on taking care of them due to their own issues. In light of the political climate right now surrounding the issues of ChildQ and how black children are neglected, abused and mistreated by different institutions from welfare, to education, to judicial services I found myself with so much to discuss and pour out regarding this beautiful movie. I look forward to hosting an in person event with @afroliciousmumma and her black therapist network who are doing incredible work to support young people and families challenged by mental health using music and art for wellness. I hope the cast and crew @morganfreeman @iamtabithabrown @edigathegi can join us virtually from the states to hear the films impact in the U.K. Date TBC. Until then, watch the movie out today @bohemiaeuphoria โœŠ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ–ค

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